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Crying and Your Baby: How to Calm a Fussy or Colicky Baby

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Babies cry for different reasons. Crying is one way babies try to tell us what they need. For example, they may be hungry, have a soiled diaper, or want your attention.

If a crying baby cannot be comforted, the cause may be colic. Here is information from the American Academy of Pediatrics about colic and ways to soothe a crying baby.

What is colic?

Colic is a word used to describe healthy babies who cry a lot and are hard to comfort. No one knows what causes colic. Two possible reasons could be that babies with colic may be unusually sensitive to stimulation or they just can't self-console.

About 1 out of every 5 babies develops colic. Each baby is different, but in general colic usually

  • Starts when a term baby is 2 to 4 weeks of age.

  • Gets better around 8 weeks.

  • Resolves by 3 to 4 months but can last until 6 months.

Does my baby have colic?

Here are ways babies with colic may act.

  • Crying is intense, sometimes up to 3 to 5 hours a day. Between crying episodes, babies act normal.

  • Crying often occurs at the same time each day, most often in the late afternoon to evening.

  • When crying, babies often pass gas, pull their legs up, or stretch their legs out.

If you are concerned about your baby's crying, check with your baby's doctor to make sure there is no other medical cause.

Ways to Soothe a Crying Baby

Here are ways you can try to comfort a crying baby. Keep in mind that it may take time to find out what works for you and your baby.

  • Swaddle your baby in a large, thin blanket to help them feel secure. Ask your nurse or baby's doctor to show you how to do it correctly.

  • Hold your baby in your arms and place their body on their left side or stomach for support. Gently rub their back. If your baby goes to sleep, remember to always lay them down in their crib on their back.

  • Turn on a calming sound like a white noise device, the humming sound of a fan, or the recording of a heartbeat. Keep the sound quiet to avoid hearing damage.

  • Walk your baby in a body carrier or gently rock them.

  • Avoid overfeeding your baby because this may also make them uncomfortable. In general, try to wait at least 2 to 2½ hours from the beginning of one feeding to the next.

  • If it is not yet time to feed your baby, offer the pacifier or help your baby find their thumb or finger.

  • If food sensitivity is the cause of discomfort, a change in diet may help.

    • For breastfed babies, moms may try changing their own diet. See if your baby gets less fussy if you cut down on milk products or caffeine. If there is no difference after making the dietary changes for a couple of weeks, resume your usual diet. Avoiding spicy or gassy foods like onions or cabbage has worked for some moms, but this has not been scientifically proven.

    • For bottle-fed babies, ask your baby's doctor if you should try a different formula. This has been shown to be helpful for some babies.

    • Keep a diary of when your baby is awake, asleep, eating, and crying. Write down how long it takes your baby to eat or if your baby cries the most after eating. Talk with your baby's doctor about these behaviors to see if their crying is related to sleeping or eating.

Other Reasons Why Babies Cry and Ways Meet Their Needs

Here are some other reasons why your baby may cry and tips on what you can try to meet that need. If your baby is...

  • Hungry. Keep track of feeding times and look for early signs of hunger, such as lip-smacking or moving fists to their mouth.

  • Cold or hot. Dress your baby in about the same layers of clothing that you are wearing to be comfortable.

  • Wet or soiled. Check the diaper. In the first few months, babies wet and soil their diapers a lot.

  • Spitting up or vomiting a lot. Some babies have symptoms from gastroesophageal reflux (GER), and the fussiness can be confused with colic. Contact your baby's doctor if your baby is fussy after feeding, has excessive spitting or vomiting, and is losing or not gaining weight.

  • Sick (has a fever or other illness). Check your baby's temperature. If your baby is younger than 3 months and has a fever, call your baby's doctor right away.

  • Overstimulated or bored. Try soothing techniques, like swaddling, walking your baby in a body carrier or rocking them, or softly humming a song to your baby.

Special Message to Parents and Caregivers

If you have tried to calm your crying baby but nothing seems to work, you may need to take a moment for yourself. Crying can be tough to handle, especially if you're physically tired and mentally exhausted.

  • Take a deep breath and count to 10.

  • Place your baby in a safe place, such as crib or playpen without blankets and stuffed animals; leave the room; and let your baby cry alone for about 10 to 15 minutes.

  • While your baby is in a safe place, consider some actions that may help calm or distract you, like listening to music or doing simple household chores. Or call a friend or family member for emotional support.

  • If you have not calmed after 10 to 15 minutes, check on your baby but do not pick up your baby until you feel you have calmed down.

  • When you have calmed down, go back and pick up your baby. If your baby is still crying, try soothing measures again.

  • Call your baby's doctor. There may be a medical reason why your baby is crying.

Remember, keeping your baby safe is the most important thing you can do. It is normal to feel upset, frustrated, or even angry, but it is important to keep your behavior under control. It is never safe to shake, throw, hit, slam, or jerk any child—and it never solves the problem!

Visit HealthyChildren.org for more information.


The AAP is an organization of 67,000 primary care pediatricians, pediatric medical subspecialists, and pediatric surgical specialists dedicated to the health, safety, and well-being of all infants, children, adolescents, and young adults.

In all aspects of its publishing program (writing, review, and production), the AAP is committed to promoting principles of equity, diversity, and inclusion.

The information contained in this publication should not be used as a substitute for the medical care and advice of your pediatrician. There may be variations in treatment that your pediatrician may recommend based on individual facts and circumstances.

AAP Feed run on: 1/13/2025 Article information last modified on: 1/13/2025

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