Highlands Ranch
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Feelings of anxiety are common in children and adolescents. These include fears about harm to themselves or loved ones, vague "worries," distress or "butterflies" when they are asked to engage in a feared activity, or concerns such as a headache or stomachache, associated with fears.
A certain level of anxiety is typical in some circumstances, such as new situations (and high-stakes testing of adolescents), and naturally protects against real dangers. However, anxiety can sometimes keep young people from activities that are important to their development. It is important to help children cope with their fears instead of avoiding the things that make them fearful.
Seek help from a trusted friend or professional counselor if your own worries may be contributing to your child's distress.
Be sure that both the adults and the young people in your family are getting enough sleep, which is extremely important to mental health and resilience.
Place limits, appropriate to your child's age, on screen time (for example, TV, computer, and cell phone time) and monitor for content that is upsetting to your child.
Encourage healthy routines such as family meals, physical activity, and "special time" with you (see ideas in the Share Special Time section below) that help children and adolescents become more resilient to stress.
Consider doing yoga as a family: it is a healthful, calming activity that all age-groups can enjoy together, indoors or out.
Encourage mindfulness practices: they involve being purposefully aware of one's emotions, senses, and thoughts at a particular time (they are techniques that can be demonstrated within 2–3 minutes). Mindfulness apps for children and adolescents include Sesame Street
In addition, try one or more of the following activities:
Encourage your child to take slow, deep breaths to produce as many bubbles as possible.
Do this at least once a day, or as often as needed.
Have your child knead, roll, pound, and shape the clay.
Do this at least once a day, or as often as needed.
Corduroy and silky cloths work best.
Have your child rub a material that feels soothing.
The material can be kept in a pocket or attached to the top or bottom of a desk.
Give a squirt of lotion to your child, and ask your child to calm themselves.
Have your child give themselves a hand massage.
Or you can give your child a hand massage.
Ask your child to show you how to make fists.
After a person makes fists, their hands rise up and their muscles tense.
Have your child give a completely opposite response, by relaxing their hands.
You can help your child discuss things that are scary or embarrassing.
Give your child a pair of big, inexpensive sunglasses to help provide some distance for the worries or fears.
Once the sunglasses are on, no one can "watch" them talk about the "scary" thing or embarrassing behavior.
Have your child choose a favorite superhero comic book or movie.
Ask your child to describe the superhero and their superpowers.
Have your child take on the superhero's powers and use those to get through the scary situation.
Have your child listen to soothing, relaxing, and meaningful music before a stressful situation, to calm themselves after a stressful situation, or at the end of the day to relax and help themselves get to sleep.
Fireflies and Mud Pies "How a Glitter Jar Can Help Kids Control Their Feelings" (
Coping Skills for Kids "Deep Breathing Exercises for Kids" (
Conscious Discipline "Safe Place Breathing Icons" (
Gradually increase your child's exposure to feared objects or activities, staying as calm and confident as possible yourself. If any step causes your child distress, coach your child to use a coping technique (above) that they have practiced.
Help your child imagine or talk about the feared object or activity or look at pictures.
Support your child to learn to tolerate a short exposure.
Encourage your child to tolerate a longer exposure in a group or with you or another coach.
Encourage your child to tolerate the feared activity alone (when appropriate) but with a chance to get help, if needed.
If anxiety is intolerable at any step, go back to a previous step.
Praise and celebrate success.
Share special, one-on-one time with your child. Even 10 to 15 minutes daily, without interruptions or use of electronic devices, will demonstrate your enjoyment of spending time together and offer you a break from your own tensions. Examples of activities you can do together include reading, cooking (for fun), outdoor play, and acts of gratitude or kindness to others, such as making a thank-you card for a teacher or taking cookies to a neighbor. (See "Family Handout: Guidelines for Special Time and Time In.")
Show your child or adolescent how to reduce anxiety and stress by thoughtfully assessing a challenging situation, tackling one small step at a time, engaging in coping strategies, and making sense of confusing or troubling things.
How to plan, mentally rehearse, and prioritize activities that are worrisome (eg, schoolwork, other responsibilities)
Deep breathing
Muscle relaxation
Positive self-talk (for example, saying to themselves "You got this" or "That was smart")
Thought-stopping (suppressing, or pushing away, unwanted thoughts)
Imagining themselves in a safe place
Listening to soothing music
Participating in physical activity
Spending time outdoors (especially in natural environments)
Spending time with friends who have a calming effect (virtually during the COVID-19 [coronavirus disease 2019] pandemic)
Spending time doing hobbies
Helping others
Share special, one-on-one time with your child or adolescent. Even 10 to 15 minutes daily, without interruptions or use of electronic devices, will demonstrate your enjoyment of spending time together and offer you a break from your own tensions. Examples of activities you can do together are taking a walk or bike ride, playing a board game, chatting about their day, and planning for an upcoming fun event. (See "Family Handout: Guidelines for Special Time and Time In.")
Adapted in part, with permission, from Building Mental Wellness Learning Collaborative.
Derived in part from Bridgemohan C, Weitzman C. Pediatric anxiety: tools and resources for primary care.
The information contained in this resource should not be used as a substitute for the medical care and advice of your pediatrician. There may be variations in treatment that your pediatrician may recommend based on individual facts and circumstances. Original resource included as part of
Inclusion in this resource does not imply an endorsement by the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP). The AAP is not responsible for the content of the resources mentioned in this resource. Website addresses are as current as possible but may change at any time.
The American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) does not review or endorse any modifications made to this resource and in no event shall the AAP be liable for any such changes.
© 2021 American Academy of Pediatrics. All rights reserved. AAP Feed run on: 1/13/2025 Article information last modified on: 8/6/2023
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